Monday, 26 December 2011

Week of 2011 DE 23

SPY rose 3.8% this week, while my account fell 0.1%.  Next week is expected to be about the same.

Daily % gain
Max % lossResults
Symbol  since Fri   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri Beg   End
TZA#0a  NO30 -2.5  9 +2.6  9 -10.0  9 -11.2  0 −4.9%
TZA#0b  NO30 +2.5  9 +7.9  9 +9.7%
TNA  DE15 +1.6  10 -3.8  10 +8.1  10 +9.0  10 +11.5  0 −10.0 −10.0 +0.0%
IAU  DE16 +0.2  10 -0.0  10 +1.3  10 +1.3  10 +0.6  10 +0.8  10 −5.4 −4.0
SPY 0.0 -1.0 +1.9 +2.1 +2.9 +3.8
me 0.0 -0.2 -0.0 -0.0 -0.1 -0.1

TNA: Sold due to drop in MACD, but then the market “melted up” for the Santa Clause rally.  MACD does not do well with melt-ups, but TRIX does.  Perhaps I should use both indicators?

IAU: Doing okay.  Sell next Friday unless it does very well and my stop rises above break-even.

Automated trading: I have written up a system that accesses Schwab’s website using a web browser and some Greasemonkey scripts.  Next week I’ll let it run “dry” to shake out the bugs, then maybe give it some money the following week.  (Might have to wait an extra week if the Santa rally continues and there are no MACD swing trades for the rest of the year.)

MACD-based swing trades

Buy dateBuy priceSell dateSell priceProfit
TNA DE 15 14:00 DE 15 16:50 $40.90 $41.00 DE 19 12:00 DE 19 12:10 $40.75 $41.10 -0.6% +0.0%
TNA#2 DE 20 11:00 skipped $43.62   DE 21 13:00 skipped $43.27   -1.0% +0.0%

TNA: As usual, the model bought for a better price than I did, but I sold for a better price.  Managed to break even, during a week when this ticker rose a lot.

TNA#2: Skipped this trade bacause PPO-signal was positive.  Avoided a loss.

Friday, 16 December 2011

Week of 2011 DE 15

SPY fell 3.5% this week, while my account rose 1.8%.

Daily % gain
Max % lossResults
Symbol  since Fri   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri Beg   End
TZA#2a  NO30 -10.7  8 -6.9  8 -1.3  9 +2.8  9 -0.2  9 -2.5  9 −13.6 −11.2 −4.9%
TZA#2b  NO30 -6.0  9 -2.1  9 +3.8  10 +8.1  10 +4.9  10 +2.5  9 −9.2 −6.6 +9.7%
TNA  DE15 -0.8  10 +1.6  10 −15.2 −10.0
IAU  DE16 +0.2  10 −5.7 −5.4
SPY 0.0 -1.5 -2.4 -3.4 -3.1 -3.5
me 0.0 +0.6 +1.5 +2.2 +1.9 +1.8

IAU: Bought because ZeroHedge recommends it.  They say to hold it for about two weeks.  Toby Connor also recommends gold (hold until it goes stratospheric), but he’s been wrong a lot recently, so I’ll stick to my usual 5½% trailing stop.  If I get only a 38% retrace of the recent drop, that would be a 2.5% profit.

Several times now I have missed trades because I have other things to do in life besides check the market every hour on the hour.  If I can manage to make some money next month, perhaps I should look into a way to automate the trades coming from my model, since it seems to be doing a better job than I am!  Unfortunately, Schwab doesn’t seem to support automated trading.  I found a news article suggesting that they sold their automatic-trading system to UBS.  It is difficult for me to leave Schwab because I have an IRA retirement account with them and am no longer a US resident.

MACD-based swing trades

Buy dateBuy priceSell dateSell priceProfit
TZA#2a DE 07 11:00 NO 30 09:30 $28.31 $29.97 DE 16 11:00 DE 16 11:10 $28.39 $28.58 +0.0% ‒4.9%
TNA#0 DE 09 14:00 skipped $45.62   DE 12 12:00 skipped $42.71   ‒6.6% +0.0%
TNA DE 15 14:00 DE 15 16:50 $40.90 $41.00 not yet not yet        

TZA#2a: Bought way too early; sold on time.

TNA#0: Skipped this trade and avoided a significant loss.  Maybe my model should avoid buying TNA when PPO-signal is positive.  That wouldn’t help overall returns much, but it would avoid a bunch of loser trades.  I don’t need any more aggravation!

TNA: Normal swing trade in progress.  Bought in the aftermarket because I was in a business meeting at 2pm, but ended up getting roughly the same price anyway.

Surfing the oscillations

Last week I wrote: “The sell-limit order for a 38% retrace on that second tranche still hasn’t triggered. Now it’s a race to see whether the tranche sells before I get a ‘buy more’ signal from the model or get stopped out.”  Well, the race was won by the sell-limit order!
So I split the tranches of TZA#2 back into separate trades: the purchase of TZA#2a was eventually approved by my MACD model and so I sold it per model, while TZA#2b never did get approval and was sold at a Fibonacci retracement as shown on this chart.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Week of 2011 DE 09

SPY rose 0.9% this week and is now slightly above its value at the start of the year, while my account fell another 0.8% to its lowest value ever.

Daily % gain
Max % lossResults
Symbol  since Fri   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri Beg   End
TZA#2  NO30 -2.8  18 -7.8  17 -8.2  17 -7.8  17 +1.0  17 -8.2  17 −11.3 −11.3
SPY 0.0 +1.1 +1.1 +1.5 -0.7 +0.8
me 0.0 -0.8 -0.8 -0.7 +0.6 -0.8

Euro news: The Euro conference has failed.  The plan for tighter union put forward by Germany+France was officially rejected by the UK and unofficially by Finland, the Netherlands, and perhaps others.  If you believe that ”the news moves the markets”, you would have expected prices to go down today on this really bad news.  If you believe in wave theory, today’s huge run-up was predictable.  Unfortunately, the prediction calls for prices to go so high next week that my TZA shares will stop out, then prices will drop sharply.  I’m still hoping that my shares will survive because the price spike will be weak (maybe today was the top?).

MACD-based swing trades

Buy dateBuy priceSell dateSell priceProfit
TZA#2 DE 07 11:00 NO 30 09:30 $28.31 $29.97 not yet not yet        
not yet NO 30 15:50   $28.50
TNA DE 09 14:00 not yet $46.62   not yet          

TZA#2: Yay!  I got a “buy” signal before getting stopped out!  But my attempt to beat my own model has failed pitifully.  Should have waited.  The sell-limit order for a 38% retrace on that second tranche still hasn’t triggered.  Now it’s a race to see whether the tranche sells before I get a “buy more” signal from the model or get stopped out.

TNA: Didn’t buy because I was out driving around town today, so trading was inconvenient.  Maybe buy it Monday if prices don’t come down a lot.  Maybe buy a double-tranche to neutralize the TZA and prevent my account balance from falling any further.

John Murphy suggests that the MACD signal should be negative when the histogram is positive in order to have a proper “buy” signal.  I definitely found this to be the case for my attempts at day-trading a few weeks ago.  And the MACD signal is currently positive so this would suggest not buying TNA.  However, at the hourly level the MACD-signal doesn’t seem effective.  Let's suppose that the tranches consist of 10% of my account put into SCHA (which is unleveraged and has no trading costs, so the math is easy).  Over the last year, my model would have produced 22 profits and 12 losses for a total gain of 3.5%.  If trades with negative PPO-signals were excluded, there would have been 17 profits and 8 losses for a total of 3.3%.  Not useful!

Friday, 2 December 2011

Week of 2011 DE 02

SPY rose 6.8% this week, almost returning to its value at the start of the year, while my account fell 2.9%, to its lowest value ever.

Daily % gain
Max % lossResults
Symbol  since Fri   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri Beg   End
TZA#1  NO18 13.9  23 -2.1  20 -1.5  20 -19.0  20 -17.4   0 −3.1 −3.1 −0.6%
TZA#2  NO30 -3.6  18 -1.6  18 -2.8  18 −15.2 −11.3
SPY 0.0 2.7 3.0 6.9 6.9 6.8
me 0.0 -2.5 -2.5 -3.0 -2.7 -2.9

World news: On Monday, the central banks of the USA, the UK, the Eurozone, Switzerland, Canada, and Australia decided that they would accept each other’s currency as collateral for swaps, so if you are a bank and all you have is Euros and nobody trusts you enough to loan you US$, the US government will be your lender-of-last-resort.  The stock market surged!  Just like it did the previous times this was tried, in 2008 and 2010.  These intervention surges generally last about a week, so it should be just about over by now.
      An interesting side-note: the decision was made on Monday, but not publically announced until Wednesday, so the crony capitalists of the world could front-run the news at the expense of everyone else.  Increasingly these days, The Powers That Be are not even trying anymore to hide their corruption.
      A broad 7% rise in the market, based solely on an artificial intervention that is only good news for banks and not for industrials, suggests that only the banks matter now; everyone else has stopped trading.

MACD-based swing trades

Buy dateBuy priceSell dateSell priceProfit
TZA#1 NO 17 13:00 NO 18 10:42 $31.56 $31.73 NO 28 11:00 NO 28 13:15 $34.30 $34.61 +3.6% −0.6%
NO 21 11:00 NO 21 11:43 $34.64 $34.71
do not buy NO 25 11:22   $37.80
TNA NO 28 11:00 skipped $38.21   NO 29 15:00 skipped $38.01   −1.0% +0.0%
TZA#2 do not buy NO 30 09:30   $29.97   not yet        
not yet NO 30 15:50   $28.50

TZA#1: Shouldn’t have bought that third tranche.  Too greedy!  Would have been profitable otherwise.

TNA: Skipped this post-intervention swing.  Avoided a loss!

TZA#2: This really isn’t a swing-trade, since I bought it when PPO was giving a strong “sell” signal.  But it might become a swing trade next week!  As of 4pm Friday, IWM's PPO = -0.56, which would be a “buy” except that my model ignores the 4pm and 10am values.

Surfing the oscillations

Elliott Wave Theory usually consists of counting squiggles and grouping them into threes and fives.  One notable exception: the 3-in-1 rule.  The week starting OC 24 was a “setup week”, followed by three ”inside weeks” and then the week starting NO 21 was a “trigger week” showing a downside breakout.  We should normally expect that that prices will continue falling for months.  But that assumes no intervention by the central banks!

On Monday I assumed that the bull-run was surely almost tapped out, because the lower orange bar was so close.  So I put in a limit order to buy TZA if prices got up to roughly $71.50 on this chart.  On Wednesday I found myself the proud owner of TZA shares, bought for much better than my limit price!  Now what?  I used the blue bar to guess what the new can’t-go-any-higher price would be and put in another limit order, which triggered just before Wednesday’s close.  On Thursday and Friday the market continued even higher.

DanEric thinks the market is going down next week, but will just be a short correction and then the Christmas rally will start in earnest.  I think the market will spend the rest of the month oscillating between the NO 28 lows and the DE 02 highs, like it did back in August.  I suppose this will depend on what the Euro leaders come up with at next Friday’s save-the-Eurozone meeting.  Just in case, I have a limit order to sell half the TZA if prices retrace 38% of their recent ramp, which would again be about $71.55 on this chart.  DanEric thinks this could happen as soon as Monday.