Tuesday 25 March 2014

Week of 2014 MR 21

IWM rose by 0.9% this week, while my account rose 0.2%.  The loss-floor has fallen to -3.9%.

World news: Crimea has asked to join the Russian Federation.  The US, Canada, and Russia are banning each other’s diplomats from visiting.

End of week allocations:

66% equities, 36% cash
% gain
Max loss
Sym  Buy  Fri  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri Beg   End
FRED MR06 +0.1 12 +0.1 12 +0.2 12 +0.0 12 +0.1 12 +0.1 12 -0.8 -0.8
ATML MR10 +0.2 13 +0.3 14 +0.3 13 +0.3 14 +0.3 0 -1.2 -1.2
UWM ¹ MR11 -0.3 13 -0.1 13 -0.1 13 -0.1 13 -0.1 0 -0.7 -0.7
YHOO MR14 +0.3 15 +0.9 16 +1.1 16 +0.7 16 +0.4 15 +0.5 15 -0.6 -0.7
AGQ MR17 -0.2 13 -0.2 13 -0.2 13 -0.2 0 -0.2 -0.2
URTY MR17 -0.2 13 +0.4 13 +0.1 13 +0.2 13 +0.0 13 -1.3 -1.3
UWM ² MR21 -0.1 13 -0.8 -0.8
IWM   +2.1   +2.5   +4.0   +3.3   +3.5   +3.0
me -0.1 +0.5 +1.2 +0.5 +0.3 +0.1
floor -3.7 -3.0 -3.1 -3.2 -3.1 -3.9

Stock-trading robot

The robot is no longer functional.  Hourly fetches of the IWM price are working, but all automated trades now fail with JavaScript errors.  Schwab’s website looks different now, but automated trading still works just fine in my laptop copy of Opera, so I guess the server needs a browser upgrade.  Unfortunately, the latest version of Opera will not work with CentOS 5, so I have to upgrade the server to CentOS 6, which would involve wiping the thing and setting it up again.  I am not looking forward to that, and especially to the fact that it’s a EMERGENCY because the damned thing is just not working at all right now.

Buy dateBuy priceSell dateSell priceAcct Profit
ModelActualMAModelActual M  A  M  A 
FRED MR 06 09:30 $19.90 (Not yet)
ATML MR 10 MR 10 10:40 $8.15 MR 17 09:30 $8.38 +0.34%
UWM ¹ MR 11 MR 11 12:16 $89.27 MR 17 09:30 $88.81 -0.09% -0.10%
YHOO MR 14 09:30 $36.69 $36.73 (Not yet)
AGQ MR 17 09:30 $74.36 MR 17 MR 17 14:30 $73.66 $73.60 -0.26% -0.17%
URTY MR 17 14:00 $93.76 $94.03 (Not yet)
UWM ² MR 18 MR 24 14:30 $88.81 $89.60 (Not yet)

ATML: Good trade!  Got a “Buy” signal for Tuesday, but my settled cash went to -2% on Monday so I skipped this trade.  Limit wouldn’t have been reached, anyway.  Another “Buy” signal for Wednesday — ditto.  And again for Thursday.

AGQ: Stopped out the same day I bought it.  Has been falling ever since.

URTY: Bought back for an effective loss of -0.5 over just holding it.

UWM ²: Skipped a buy-order for Tuesday, but would have succeeded and for a very good price.  Finally bought UWM on Friday — now I have a “Sell” order for Monday because it didn’t go up all week!

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