Sunday 30 March 2014

Week of 2014 MR 28

IWM fell by 3.7% this week, while my account fell 2.2%.  The loss-floor has risen to -2.1% because I am out of the market.

In the last nine weeks, the market has gained 0.8% while I have gained 0.5%.  Boring!

End of week allocations:

90% cash
% gain
Max loss
Sym  Buy  Fri  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu  Fri Beg   End
FRED MR06 +0.1 12 +1.0 12 -0.4 12 -0.5 12 -1.1 11 -1.1 11 -0.8 -0.8
YHOO MR14 +0.5 15 -0.1 15 -0.3 15 -0.3 15 -0.3 15 -0.3 0 -0.7 -0.7
URTY MR17 +0.0 13 -0.4 13 -0.2 13 -0.2 13 -0.2 13 -0.2 0 -1.3 -1.3
UWM MR21 -0.1 13 +0.0 13 +0.0 13 +0.0 13 +0.0 0 -0.8 -0.8
IWM   +3.0   +1.8   +1.5   -0.4   -0.7   -0.7
me +0.1 -0.8 -1.3 -1.4 -2.1 -2.1
floor -3.9 -3.1 -1.7 -1.7 -2.1 -2.1

Stock-trading robot

The robot remains non-functional.  I put in a lot of time at my day-job this week and made money that way!  Still continuing to put off that OS upgrade for the robot’s server-in-the-cloud.

Buy dateBuy priceSell dateSell priceAcct Profit
ModelActualMAModelActual M  A  M  A 
FRED MR 06 09:30 $19.90 MR 27 MR 27 09:30 $18.57 $18.13 -0.86% -1.11%
YHOO MR 14 09:30 $36.69 $36.73 MR 25 09:30 MR 25 12:11 $37.00 $36.02 +0.08% -0.32%
URTY MR 17 14:00 $93.76 $94.03 MR 24 11:00 MR 25 09:30 $90.00 $92.96 -0.48% -0.19%
UWM MR 18 MR 24 14:30 $88.81 $89.60 MR 24 09:30 $90.23 $90.02 +0.15% +0.02%
SRTY ¹ MR 24 13:00 (Skipped) $39.88 MR 25 10:00 $38.36 -0.35% +0.00%
SRTY ² MR 26 15:00 (Skipped) $40.54 MR 28 10:00 $40.99 +0.11% +0.00%
SRTY ³ MR 28 15:00 (Skipped) $41.96 (Not yet) +0.00%

FRED: Nasty stop-out!  Opened at $18.84, fell to $18.05 within the first minute.  Schwab sold 7% of my shares at around $18.31, 23% of them at $18.29, and 70% at about $18.06

YHOO: Sold late.  Due to robot screw-up, I didn’t notice that I was supposed to put in a sell order for this one!

URTY: Sold late due to robot failure.  Lucked out — I lost less money than expected!

UWM: At least I didn’t lose money on this one!  In retrospect, I would have been better off skipping this trade (which had been postponed due to lack of liquid cash).

SRTY: Skipped these trades because the robot is not working.

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